Saturday, February 13, 2010

At some point I think we all wonder what will my legacy be, what will people remember about my time on this earth. When I think of Kath, I think of many things. Her thoughtfullness, her strength, her compassion, but mostly her generosity. Her unending, unlimited generosity.

I came across a poem the other day and as I read it I thought, Wow! If Kath could give us words of comfort right now (and we all know she would) I think it would probably be something like this . . .

Remember . . .

I'm There, In Your Heart

I know there is sorrow

where laughter once played,

And lingering tears,

causing gladness to fade,

But there's a sweet comfort

our memories impart,

So always remember . . .

I'm There, In Your Heart

You'll be forever in my heart Kath
Love Connie

1 comment:

  1. Connie,
    That is very sweet. And she is in our hearts and how grateful I am that she is. I miss her so much, but am so thankful that she is with me - her love and memories will carry for many years until I can hug her again! Thank you for the poem!
    - Ton
